v0.9.9 Spreads!

Alerta! Alerta! 

The last art dropped from Julia just a few days ago, and the book is almost ready to go to print. You can download the spreads right now! Be aware, I've set it at a slightly lower resolution. However, I'm keen for folks to have a look and send over any feedback. 

As I type, Julia is laying out the token sheet. I'm going to give it a few weeks to gather any feedback on the book and tidy up some of the layout at the same time. While that is happening, I'll order the first test prints. I've done some colour correction on the original art, and I want to make sure the release version that does Julia's work justice. 

Finally, another huge thanks for sticking with this. The last 18mths have had a lot of unexpected difficulties hit one after the other for both myself and Julia. We'd never have got through this without the goodwill and support we've felt from you all. 

With many thanks,

Tanya & Julia.


L!TDE Spreads v0.9.9 [FEEDBACK PLS] 145 MB
44 days ago

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